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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Woodside Energy Ltd Australia Jobs Recruitment

Woodside JobWoodside is an independent Australian oil and gas company playing a key role in supplying energy to our region.We are one of the world’s leading producers of liquefied natural gas, helping meet the demands for cleaner energy from Japan, China, Korea and other countries in the Asia Pacific region.

Woodside was formed in 1954, focused initially on oil exploration off Australia’s south coast.
Major nThe company is one of the world’s preeminent producers of LNG.We operate the A$27 billion North West Shelf Project, which in 2009 celebrated 25 years of natural gas production and 20 years of LNG production.

The Company invite you to join as the following position :

Production Chemist
Subsea System Technicial Authority
CPF Installation Manager
Commercial Analys
Naval Architect
Pipeline Engineer
Process Engineers
Exploration — Geologists & Geophysicists
Document Controllers


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