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Thursday, May 31, 2012

Rukindo Persero Recruitment 2012

Pengerukan Indonesia PerseroPT Rukindo - Pengerukan Indonesia is a state owned company in Dredging services business.

PT Rukindo has an objectives in Arranging transportation business activities of dredging services and optimizing the utilization of resources owned by the company to produce goods and / or high-quality services and strong competitive company in order to increase the value of the company by applying the principles of company limited

Scope of Bussines of the company are

  • Dredging of access channel, harbor basin and other location that need dredging services
  • Reclamation, transportation of dredged materials, building and land development
  • Civil Work to be related with dredging, reclamation, building and land development
  • Consulting services for dredging activity, reclamation and land development
  • Topography survey and soil investigation
  • Repair, maintenance, building of dredger and auxiliaries, and other ships
  • Agent services of company/dredger and other services to be related with dredging and reclamation
  • Concession and sand mining
  • Rent of dredger, supported facility of dredger and ship crewing
PT Rukindo currently invites high qualified Indonesian candidates from diploma graduates and bachelor graduate to join at our company in 2012 and fill the position as mentioned at the announcement document


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