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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Jamsostek Persero Recruitment

JamsostekJamsostek based on the philosophy of independence and self-esteem to overcome socioeconomic risk. Independence means not depending on others to finance the care of sick time, life on the Day when parents and family died. Self-esteem means that the guarantee is obtained as a right and not of the mercy of others.

In order for optimal financing and its benefits, the implementation of the program conducted Jamsostek mutual assistance, where the young helping the old, the healthy to help the sick and the high income earners to help low income earners.

Become an institution of social security trust, with excellence in service and provide optimal benefit to all participants and their families.

Currently Jamsostek Persero is opening position for diploma and bachelor degree position as:

Bachelor Degree
  • Account Officer
  • Verifikator JPK
  • Verifikator Jaminan
  • Verifikator Keuangan
  • Staf SDM & Umum
  • Data Adminstrator

Diploma Degree
  • Kasir

  • Detail vacancies can be apply at the link that we provided


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