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Sunday, March 25, 2012

Bima Palma Group Job Opportunities

Jobs and Career
General Manager
Manager Transport and Logistics
Staff Payrol


Bima Palma Group in running their business activities are always put forward the concept of community and environment. Every effort is always to consider the preservation of nature that is consistently implemented starting from the selection and land clearing, seedling selection and planting to production management, and involve participation of the people residing around the business location.

The area developed by the Milky Palma Group is located entirely in the Area Non Farming Forestry (KBNK), an area that fit the legality of the allotment of land for the cultivation of plantations, particularly oil palm. Before the Land Clearing, the entire area of ​​land condition is verified with 1:5,000 scale aerial photographs and land suitability survey. Survey activities carried out by a team of Bogor Agricultural University. The Company also made the whole process of the Environmental Impact Analysis (EIA) and apply the methods of Zero Burning System for clearing land (Land Clearing) for the whole area of ​​licensing

Bima Palma Group Vacancies

POM and garden development will also continue to consider appropriate aspects of environmental friendly Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), and thus is expected to achieve a sustainable plantation and POM.


Kantor Pusat
Jln. Warung Buncit Raya No. 49
Jakarta 12740
Telp : +62 21 799 5989
Fax : +62 21 799 5731
Email :

Kantor Cabang 1:
Jl. Belibis H 104
Komplek KPC Griya Prma Lestari
Sangatta - Kutai Timur 75611
Tel (62-549) 247 23
Fax (62-549) 247 23


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