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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Nukleus Indonesia Jobs Vacancies

PT Nukleus Indonesia open up career opportunities for you. 
Please submit your CV and application to, 
do not forget to mention the vacancy code.

Jobs and Career

Accounting Staff Job Nukleus Indonesia
Project Manager Job Nukleus Indonesia
System Consultant Job Nukleus Indonesia
Programmer Job Nukleus Indonesia
Web Programmer Job Nukleus Indonesia

PT Nukleus Indonesia was established in 2004, is engaged in software development, web development, software training and software implementation projects ranging from small scale to medium scale. Nucleus Indonesia has three main divisions namely ERP Software, Web Development, Software Training and Support. We provide a complete solution for your business in the IT field.

In 2006, PT Nukleus Indonesia became sales representer official of the German software company that CS (ComputerService) which is the developer of ERP software CS Warenwirtschaft Finanzbuchaltung und. With this partnership PT Indonesia nuclei can provide a more complete solution, and even better.

PT Nukleus Indonesia is supported by a solid team of experts composed in IT, Management, Graphic Design, and Accounting. Our team is ready to help you in need of a complete and integrated solution for your business.

PT Nukleus Indonesia Front Career


CS-ERP Indonesia
German Centre Suite 6200
Jl. Kapt. Subijanto, Dj.
BSD City - Tangerang, Banten


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