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CPNS 2012 Via Email & SMS

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

Documentation System Staff LEN Industry

LEN Industry Persero
LEN Industry Persero is State-Owned Enterprises that has developed business and products in the field of electronics for industrial and infrastructure.

Documentation System Staff (Code: SD)

  • Min D3 from Informatics Engineering/ English / Secretary / Management / Administration or other relevant department;
  • Understanding in the system documentation;
  • Able to translate the documents (technical and general) from English into Indonesian and vice versa;
  • Fluent in Englist both oral an written (copy of certificate of expertise is a plus in the selection process);
The applicants who meet the requirements above, may apply above position and send your application letter, CV, scan diploma transcript not later than January 08, 2012

HR Department


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