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CPNS 2012 Via Email & SMS

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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Community Development Officer Hess Corporation

Hess Corporation aspires to be the leading global independent energy company. We are focused on sustaining growth well into the future while preserving the personal, small-company culture that sets us apart from other energy companies.

Currently we are opening positions for:

Community Development Officer-05596

  1. Provide technical supports in annual and quarter planning, implementing and monitoring SR programs
  2. Provide management support and advice in seeking collaboration with appropriate institutions or non government organizations (NGOs) to advance the delivery of SR program initiatives
  3. Lead and deliver the approved CD programs within budget and time planning
  4. Reports directly to CDCR Coordinator at Gresik; weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual report
  5. Provide support in communicating SR plan with CR function and any respected function within Hess organization
  6. As part of CDCR team, provide supports to the rest of team in handling any social issues
  7. Ensure all SR program comply with ED 26 and ED 28
Technical competencies:
  • Bachelor degree in related field of social science, community development with 4 years experience in development work in rural and urban communities; or
  • Relevant University degree with 8-10 years of comprehensive experience in development work in both divers and remote environments.
Non-technical competencies:
  • Project management skill
  • Self management to work independently
  • Logical thinking with sound judgment and problem solver
  • Community empowerment focus
  • Mature personality
  • Communication skill
  • Conflict Resolution
Basic skill:
  • Fluency in English (speaking and writing) and local language (preferable). Microsoft office basic skill, MS Project (preferable)
  • Facilitating local stakeholders, especially communities and society groups
  • Managing community development
  • Has experience in working in East Java coastal area (preferably)
  • A minimum of 4 years experience in a similar role in oil and gas company (KKKS) will be a plus
For you who are interested please find How to apply at Hess Corporation Recruitment


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