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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lowongan Kerja PLN Geothermal

Recruitment PLN Geothermal 2012
Tingkat SMU/SMK, Diploma dan Sarjana
Wilayah Lampung, Sulawesi Utara dan Nusa Tenggara Timur

PLN Geothermal is called PLN-G for short, is a subsidiary of PT PLN Persero, a state-owned company that conducts electricity business activities in Indonesia. The company was established for aiming at supporting the governmental acceleration program of geothermal energy development in general and local energy utilizations, participating in the local governmental tender for Working Area, and also diversifying and conserving primary energy utilization. Moreover, PLN-G was demanded to become a price setter in geothermal energy development business in Indonesia, and to reduce the local electricity production cost due to fossil fuel displacement.

Lowongan Kerja PLN Geothermal

PLN Geothermal develops and/or operates geothermal fields and power stations throughout Indonesia, alone or with partners, creating value for PLN, partners & consumers. PLN-G will be a leading partner for the development and/or operation of new geothermal fields and power plants around the world, creating value for PLN, partners and consumers.

Geothermal energy can replace a considerable part of its fossil fuelled electricity. Geothermal power plants emit essentially no or very low levels of one of the most significant gases known to induce global warming: carbon dioxide. According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), carbon dioxide accounts for 83% of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions; nitrous oxide and methane make up most of the remainder.

In order to expand company business and achieving our vision and mission, currently we are opening opportunities for high qualified Indonesian candidates to join and develop the nation with PLN Geothermal. This recruitment is non outsourcing and selected candidates will be come a job holder at our company.

Details information about this recruitment, please download the official document announcement below


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