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CPNS 2012 Via Email & SMS

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Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lowongan Kerja Marketing Staff Mevtek Premier

Mevtek Premier, pt (MEV) is a privately-held, family-owned company which established by the Government of the Republic of Indonesia on February 10th 2010. The trading of steel products, equipments, tools and spare parts for both land and marine (oil & gas industries, powerplant, civil, etc) remains MEV’s core business. We have built strong relations with several mills and manufacturers in Indonesia and abroad (Asia, Australia & Europe).

Marketing Staff
  • Must possess at least a Bachelor's Degree in any field
  • Male/Female max 30 years old
  • At least 1 year(s) of working experience in business analyst & data and evaluating sales performance record
  • candidate must possess his own transport and own a driver licence C
  • Proficient in English & computer literate
  • Well negotiatiator & presentation skills
  • Ability to meet deadlines, attention to details, trustworthy,Independently, self motivated, hard working, result oriented and able to work under pressure
  • Detail, meticolous, able to work within tight schedule, self motivated & team player 
 If you are interested, please do the registration now by accessing Mevtek Premier Jobs and Career


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Lowongan Kerja

CPNS 2012 Via Email & SMS

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