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Friday, June 29, 2012

Risk Management Staff Job Panin Bank Syariah

PT. Panin Bank Sharia as Sharia-compliant banking which is open to all people, open up career opportunities for the nation's best professional to be part of the family Panin Bank Syariah.

Panin Bank Syariah invite those of you who have qualified in accordance with the desired, we are waiting for your participation in the selection process of new employees for the position as Risk Management Staff with the following qualifications below


  • Male / Female.
  • Bachelors Degrees from a variety of majors with a grade point average 2.75 on a scale of 4.
  • Have experience in either banking or risk management of financial institutions at least 2 years.
  • Ability to work in a team or individually.
  • Strong communication and a good percentage.
  • Thorough, detailed and able to work within deadlines in making the management report.
  • Understanding the basics of risk management, preferably a certified Risk Management (BSMR / LSPP).
Please send your detail CV and application at the link address below and put " website" as your reference at your application letter


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