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CPNS 2012 Via Email & SMS

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Monday, January 2, 2012

Local Gender Aquality Advisor Canadian Embassy Jakarta

The Canadian Embassy/ Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) is seeking proposals in order to contract a part-time advisor for a period of up to 24 months. Minimum qualifications include a university degree in a relevant field, 5 years of experience in international development assistance with a specialization in gender equality, and excellent command of English, both spoken and written. The position will be based inJakarta.

How to apply:

Only qualified individuals need apply. Information details please read the detail announcement below
Technical and financial proposals must be submitted by email before Tuesday, January 10, 2012, at 12:00 (noon), Jakarta time.

Canadian Embassy Jakarta 

Part Time Local Gender Equality Advisor
Based in Jakarta

1. General information and instructions for bidders

1.1 Purpose of Request for Proposal (RFP)

To select an individual consultant to enter into negotiations with the Canadian Embassy in Jakarta, acting for the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), for a service contract to provide part-time services as described in the Terms of Reference - Appendix A.

Type of Services: Consulting Services, Gender Equality
Closing Date: 10th January, 2012
Estimated Contract Value: Indonesia Rupiah 867,500,000.-
Duration of the Contract: 24 months

Proposals must be submitted in MS-Word and must be received by e-mail to the Canadian Embassy before 12:00 hrs (Noon) on Tuesday, 10th January 2012, at the following address:

As CIDA is currently seeking applications for several part-time consultancies in Indonesia, applicants should please indicate clearly in the subject line of their email submissions that they are applying for the Gender Equality Advisor position.

Proposals received after the stated bid closing date and time will not be accepted.

1.2 Inquiries

Questions relating to this RFP should be directed, at least five (5) days in advance of the closing date, only by E-MAIL, to:

Francisca Indarsiani, Senior Development Officer
Embassy of Canada


Where feasible the questions and answers will be provided to other consultants without identifying the origin of the enquiries.

1.3 Proposal Presentation

The proposal will consist of two parts. A Technical Component fully described in section 2 and section 3 and a Financial Component described in section 4.

1.4 Rights of the Canadian Embassy

The Canadian Embassy reserves the right to: reject any or all proposals received in response to this RFP; enter into negotiations with one or more bidders on any or all aspects of its proposal; accept any proposal in whole or in part; cancel this RFP; re-issue this requirement at any time; and, award one or more contracts. The costs, including travel, incurred by the Consultant in the preparation of the proposal and for the negotiation of the resulting contract will not be reimbursed by the Canadian Embassy.

1.4 Mandatory Requirements

All applicants for the advertised consultancy position must meet the mandatory requirements set out in Appendix "B". Failure to comply with all the mandatory requirements will result in rejection of the proposal. Submission of a bid constitutes acknowledgment that the Consultant has read and complies with these mandatory requirements.

1.5. Verification of Information

The Canadian Embassy reserves the right to verify that each individual applicant meets all mandatory requirements for this consultancy and to validate the accuracy of any information provided in an applicant’s proposal. Untrue statements may result in the proposal being declared non-compliant, or in any action which the Canadian Embassy may consider appropriate.


The Terms of Reference in Appendix A outline CIDA’s requirements for the Gender Equality Advisor position. Each applicant will be required to demonstrate how he/she meets the evaluation criteria for the position through the following process:

2.1. Experience

To demonstrate his/her requisite experience for the position, each applicant will submit a C.V., including 3 recent references, along with a Covering Letter of no more than 2 pages. The covering letter, justified by information listed in the CV, should demonstrate to CIDA that the applicant meets the following criteria:

Criteria - Maximum Marks

Minimum of 5 years experience working in the field of development assistance, including experience in: - 25 pts
  • Analyzing and integrating gender equality in the design and delivery of social or economic development programs.
  • Providing technical advice to donors or government in relation to development assistance project planning and implementation.
  • Providing technical advice to development assistance projects on gender equality.
  • Designing and delivering training sessions in gender equality.
  • Preparing written analytical material and narrative reports in English.
BONUS – Graduate degree in relevant discipline, e.g sociology, economics, anthropology. - 5 pts

2.2. Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

Applicants deemed to possess sufficient experience will be invited for an interview at the time, date and place named by the Canadian Embassy. The interview will test the knowledge, skills and abilities of each applicant based on the following criteria:

Criteria - Maximum Marks

Knowledge of: - 20 pts
  • Development issues, local context (National andSulawesi) and its dynamics.
  • Gender equality concepts and approaches in the context of development programming
  • Current gender equality issues inIndonesia, including Sulawesi.
BONUS – Strong knowledge of CIDA GE Policy and the CIDA GE Action Plan - 5 pts

Skills and Abilities: - 20 pts
  • Strong analytical skills;
  • Ability to provide insightful advice and recommendations to decision makers
  • Ability to network effectively with other development assistance stakeholders on GE inIndonesia
Languages: - 15 pts
  • Strong oral and written communication skills in English
  • Fluency in Bahasa Indonesia.
2.3 Evaluation of Technical Proposals

A maximum of eighty (80) points will be awarded for the Technical Component.

(Bonus marks will not be considered to establish the score of the Technical Component, but will be used in the event that two or more candidates have similar top scores.)


The Canadian Embassy has allotted 192 person-days, based on a work day of 8 hours a day, to carry out this assignment over an expected service period of 24 months. The anticipated start date for the assignment is mid-January 2012.


In addition to the CV and Covering Letter submitted in response to the Technical Component, each applicant is required to submit cost information for the Financial Component of this RFP, as described below:

4.1 Fees / Remuneration

Each applicant will quote an all-inclusive daily fee to carry out the assignment based on the level of effort identified in Section 3. The all-inclusive daily fee will be quoted in Indonesian Rupiah, inclusive of taxes over the life of the contract. The all-inclusive daily fee rate will cover the following cost elements: direct salary, fringe benefits, overhead and profit.

Based on this all-inclusive daily fee, a maximum of twenty (20) points will be awarded for the Financial Component.

The proposed rates are subject to negotiation between the winning Consultant and the Canadian Embassy. On the anniversary date of the contract, the Consultant can apply for an increase of the daily fee to take inflation into account, in accordance with the policies of the Government of Canada.

The Canadian Embassy will only pay for actual days worked including approved travel time and will not pay when the individual does not work due to statutory holidays, sickness, vacation, or other leave benefits.

4.2 Reimbursable Expenses

Each applicant will also submit a summary of anticipated reimbursable expenses (such as transportation, travel allowances, printing, communications, and meeting costs) to be incurred during, and directly related to, the delivery of the proposed consultancy based on the Statement of Services (Appendix A). These costs shall not be used as a basis for awarding points within the Financial Component. If applicable, they will be negotiated with the Canadian Embassy prior to the signature of the contract.

All applicants should take note of the following in the preparation of their expense estimates:
  • This position is based inJakarta. Relocation costs, if any, will not be reimbursed. Furthermore, there will not be any allowance for meals or accommodation inJakarta.
  • The Canadian Embassy will only reimburse transportation, travel allowances and other costs that arise when the Consultant is to travel and provide services outsideJakartaexclusively at the request of CIDA/Canadian Embassy. On such occasions, a per diem will be provided to cover meals, gratuities and laundry for every night spent outsideJakarta, in accordance with the Travel Directive of the Treasury Board of Canada.
  • Accommodation costs, transportation costs (i.e. air travel, taxis to/from airports, local transportation in destination cities, airport taxes) and other miscellaneous costs, such as fax, photocopies, etc., will only be reimbursed subject to the presentation of receipts.
  • Within the estimated contract value of Rp. 867,500,000.-, a provision of Rp 195,000,000.- is included to cover the above mentioned reimbursable costs.

Applications submitted in response to this RFP will be reviewed and scored by an evaluation team consisting of representatives of the Canadian Embassy. In this assessment, each applicant is eligible to receive a maximum of one hundred (100) standard points, plus any bonus marks that will be used in the event that two or more candidates have similar top scores.

Eighty (80) points of the total will be based on the evaluation team’s assessment of a candidate’s technical competencies against the criteria indicated in Section 2 - Technical Component. Technical proposals must receive a minimum of 48 points (60%) in the technical assessment or an applicant’s bid will be disqualified.

Financial proposals, described in Section 4 - Financial Component - will be awarded up to twenty (20) total points. The applicant to this RFP whose proposed all-inclusive daily fee is lowest of all qualified technical bids will be awarded the full 20 points. Financial Component points for all other applicants will be awarded on a pro-rata basis.

The proposal receiving the highest combined technical and financial score represents best value to the Canadian Embassy and it is this applicant who will be invited to negotiate a service contract for the duration of the assignment. The contract is for the performance of services. The local consultant will provide the services under the contract as an independent contractor. The local consultant will not be an employee, a servant, a partner or an agent of the Government of Canada.

Appendix A

Terms of Reference
Part-time Gender Equality Advisor

1. Background

As part of Canada's new aid effectiveness agenda, Indonesia has been selected by CIDA as a country of focus. CIDA's program for Indonesia is aligned with Government of Indonesia priorities through its support for sustainable economic growth to help the country reduce its vulnerability to poverty.

CIDA’s bilateral program in Indonesia is geographically concentrated on Sulawesi, Indonesia's third most populous island and a driving force for change in Eastern Indonesia – the poorest region of the country. It is focused on two investment areas:
  1. Local Economic Development: Working with national and local partners to strengthen local and regional economic planning and programming
  2. Sustainable Natural Resource Management: Promoting good management of renewable resources in support of local and regional economic development.
CIDA acknowledges the importance of ensuring equality between women and men and that it is explicitly and specifically addressed within the above program.

CIDA’s GE policy has three objectives:
  1. To advance women’s equal participation with men in shaping the sustainable development of their communities;
  2. To support women and girls in the realization of their full human rights; and,
  3. To reduce gender inequalities in access to and control over the rsources and benefits of development.
To advance the above objectives, CIDA Indonesia Program has decided to contract a Gender Equality Advisor to provide technical advices to CIDA Officers and its program partners in properly integrating effective measures for the promotion of GE in the design,delivery, monitoring and evaluation of all CIDA development assistance investments.

2. Overall Objectives of the Consultancy

The consultant will support the implementation of CIDA programming inIndonesiathrough the provision of:

Research and analytical work on gender equality issues in Indonesia generally, and their application/relevancy to CIDA’s broader programming portfolio and/or specific projects
Technical advisory services to CIDA and its program partners in Indonesia in the integration of gender equality concerns in program/project design, planning, implementation and reporting of results.

3. Scope of Work

Provision of research, analytical work and reports on gender equality issues relevant to CIDA Program in Indonesia, as requested.
  1. Provision of technical advice on gender equality issues in relation to planning and implementation of CIDA program/projects, as requested. Participating in relevant missions, as required.
  2. Identification of synergies or complementarities within CIDA’s existing and planned programming portfolio for the purposes of achieving program-level development results and CIDA GE objectives, and providing strategic recommendations for the overall alignment of CIDA existing and planned programming in Indonesia.
  3. Reviewing and commenting on project progress reports, annual work plans, implementation plans and other documentation, as requested.
  4. Assisting in the identification of appropriate gender baseline indicators for new projects. Assisting in missions to monitor the performance of CIDA program/projects and other initiatives in Indonesia, as requested.
  5. Leading the planning and implementation of CIDA’s Gender Resource Group meetings , in consultation with CIDA’s Cooperant in Makassar and CIDA Jakarta. 
  6. Representing CIDA in various events, preparing reports, and occasional translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English as requested.
  7. Leading the development and dissemination of specific material and analytical tools for use by CIDA and its partners, as requested.
  8. Supporting CIDA’s capacity development activities
  9. Leading the development of sector-based gender consultants/organizations. Assisting CIDA and its partners in the identification and recruitment of local consultants and organizations.
4. Estimated Level of Efforts

The initial contract is valid for two years but extendable based on work performance and availability of funds. The assignment is expected to start in January 2012. The Advisor will be considered based in Jakarta but it is expected to travel regularly to Sulawesi and possibly other parts of Indonesia. CIDA will require a significant level of intermittent advisory supports as described in the workplan prepared by and for the Advisor.

5. Deliverables
  1. Research or analytical narrative reports, as requested by CIDA.
  2. Every three months, the consultant will provide a workplan detailing planned activities for the quarter. Based on the scope of work, the workplan is to be produced in consultation with CIDA Jakarta and provided for CIDA’s approval 30 days prior to the commencement of the quarter covered.
  3. The consultant will provide semi-annual narrative progress reports outlining results achieved in relation to the previous two quarterly workplans no later than 30 days after the completion of the final quarter covered.
  4. Financial reporting will consist of a detailed, monthly invoice, covering the Consultant’s fees for the services rendered during the previous month indicating the date, the day and the number of hours worked for each day as well as travel expenses and other necessary and reasonable expenses incurred during the previous month, including all original receipts in support of the expenses claimed.
  5. Lead on planning and implementation of GE Working Group meetings (inMakassar).
6. Administrative Arrangements

The Advisor will report to the CIDA Head of Aid inJakartaor a delegated CIDA officer.

Except while on travel, work will be performed out of the Advisor’s own office and the Advisor will be responsible for providing all required overhead, including maintaining internet access and email account.

7. Expected Professional Qualifications


A minimum of one University degree from a recognized university in a relevant field of study.
Studies or training in gender equality

  • Minimum of 5 years working in the field of development assistance
  • Experience in analyzing and integrating gender equality in the design and delivery of social or economic development programs.
  • Experience providing technical advice to donors or government in relation to development assistance project planning and implementation.
  • Experience providing technical advice to development assistance projects on gender equality.
  • Experience designing and delivering training sessions in gender equality.
  • Experience preparing written analytical material and narrative reports in English.
  • Excellent knowledge and understanding of development issues, of the local context (National andSulawesi) and its dynamics.
  • In depth knowledge of gender equality concepts and approaches in the context of development programming
  • In depth knowledge of current gender equality issues inIndonesia, includingSulawesi.
  • Understanding of the gender equality network in Indonesia, including CSOs, Governments and international organizations.
Skills and Abilities
  • Strong analytical skills.
  • Ability to provide insightful advice and recommendations to decision makers.
  • Ability to network effectively with other development assistance stakeholders on GE issues inIndonesia.

Strong oral and written communication skills in English are essential (will be tested).
Must possess fluency in Bahasa Indonesia.

8. Application Instructions and Deadline

This contract opportunity is open to Indonesian citizens and to residents ofIndonesiawith a valid work permit.

Persons interested in this contract opportunity must submit their CV and proposal in English, by e-mail, using MS-Word, no later than Tuesday, 10 January 2012, at 12:00 (noon), Jakarta time.

More Information Please Contact:
Canadian Embassy in Indonesia
World Trade Centre, 6th Floor
Jalan Jend. Sudirman Kav. 29-31
Jakarta 12920 - Indonesia

Telephone: (62) 21-2550-7800
Fax: (62) 21-2550-7811

Source: Canadian Embassy - Jakarta


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