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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Pelabuhan Indonesia 4 Persero Recruitment

The establishment of PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia IV (Persero) can not be separated with a history of policy management systems seaports in Indonesia. Before the year 1983 the management of sea ports afforded implemented by 8 (eight) State Enterprise Business Entity form of PN. Pelabuhan I - VIII.

In 1983 in line with the policy of the government's order of national seaport set of 4 (four) the gate of the national foreign trade, then do mergers Enterprises PN 8. Ports to be 4 (four) business entities with the status of the Public Company (Perum), one of them is Perum Pelabuhan IV.

Perum Pelabuhan IV is the result of a merger PN. Pelabuhan V, VI, VII, and VIII, coupled with 6 (six) ports that are not cultivated in the province of Irian Jaya, whose establishment is based on Government Regulation (PP). 17 of 1983 yo PP. No. 7 Year 1985. Subsequently in 1992, based on the PP. 59 status in 1991 transferred to Housing Enterprises Persero is a PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia IV boosted with the endorsement of Association through Imas SH. 7 dated December 1, 1992. (Source: Pelindo 4)

Being a port of international standard services of an independent, healthy and ensure the sustainability of the national transportation system.

  • Develop businesses that can provide optimal benefit for the shareholder;
  • Accelerate the development of IPCs region IV;
  • Providing a quality service, on time with reasonable rates;
  • Develop competence, commitment and improve the welfare of human resources.

Pelindo 4


Pelabuhan Indonesia 4
Jl Soekarno No. 1
Makassar-Sulawesi Selatan
90173 Indonesia
Telephone: +62-411-316549 ext. 625
Fax: +62-411-3619044

Jobs and Career

Currently Pelindo 4 in opening position for high qualified Indonesian candidates to join at our company. The application should be submit not later than April 01 2012. Detail announcement can be viewed here


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