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CPNS 2012 Via Email & SMS

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Monday, July 30, 2012

Penerimaan Karyawan Bank Jabar Banten 2012

Karir Bank BJB
Human Resource Management is activity of bank bjb to make the recruitment process, utilization, development, and maintenance of human resources effectively and efficiently. By supporting its vision and mission of bank bjb in carrying out the strategic steps the right to compete in global markets, human resources required to be able to position its role within the company.

Currently bank BJB is opening position for:

Calon Pegawai Bank Bank BJB

  • Male, with max age 30 years old
  • Not Married
  • Hold min S1 majoring in Economic (Accounting, Management, Development Studies), Law, Mathematics, Statistic, lnformatic Engineering and Compnuter, Business Administration, Communication Studies, International Relation, and Psycology
  • GPA min 2.75
  • Good looking and Attractive
  • Have a good interpersonal and communication skills
  • Have a strong work motivation and dynamic
  • Able to work individually and in teams
  • Willing to be placed around the working area of the bank BJB
  • Not having a family relationship (parent I brother / sister) with the employees of bank BJB
  • Passed the selection organized by the bank BJB
Interested candidates please send your detail resume and Curriculum Vitae not later than August 10, 2012 to

Bank Jabar Banten
Jl Naripan No 12-14 Bandung 40111

Bahan Ujian Bank Jabar Banten silakan pelajari Test BUMN
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  1. kalo di palembang bagaimana m pak?

    1. Namanya juga BJB bos, BANK JABAR BANTEN..Kaga ada lah di Palembang....


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