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Thursday, July 19, 2012

Pertamina Persero Engineering Recruitment

Pertamina Recruitment July 2012Pertamina is a State Oil and Natural Gas Mining Company. Pertamina owns six oil refineries which have a capacity of 1,041.2 thousand barrels (Refinery Unit (RU) II in Dumai, RU III in Plaju, RU IV in Cilacap, RU V in Balikpapan, RU VI in Balongan, and RU VII in Kasim/Sorong), two gas reserves with a capacity of 31 tons per year, and a petrochemical company. Pertamina's products include a great variety of fuels, chemicals, additives, and retail products.

Pertamina is Comitted to transformation programme from upstream to downstream operations inspired by our values: Clean,Confident, Competitive, Customer Focused, Commercial, Capable and now Pertamina Persero invites high caliber candidates to fill the position with detail qualifications below

Thermal Flooding Specialist ( E-UPSUTC30 )

Job Descriptions:

  • Control studies, carry out supervision of the implementation and evaluate the application of concepts / methods Thermal Flooding and plan strategies to increase oil production Primary and secondary stages of Tertiary Recovery (EOR) on the structure / old field in the Subsidiary / Directorate upstream.
  • Observe the progress of the technology or concept / new methods in Thermal Flooding that has been published as well as studying the possibility of its application in support of the Directorate of Hulu and its subsidiaries in an effort to maximizing the management of reserves and increased production.
Job Requirements:


  • Masters Degrees
  • Doctoral Degrees
  • Petroleum Engineer Degree / Chemical Engineering
Capabilities and competencies:

  • Master the implementation and evaluation of the application of concepts / methods Thermal Flooding
  • Master strategy to increase oil production to the stage of primary and secondary Tertiary Recovery (EOR) on the structure / old field
  • Have the capability and competence of performing work within the preparation of feasibility studies and implementation associated with Thermal Reservoir Flooding which Mgmt, Characterization of reservoir fluid, Characterization of injected fluid, POD / POFD, Secondary Recovery.

  • Min 5 years related field and who master the Knowledge, Skills & Technology Implementation in the removal of natural production (Primary Recovery) or removal of the advanced stage (Secondary and Tertiary Recovery)

Assistant HSE Implementation ( E-UPSUSM5 )

Job Descriptions:

  • Direct, analyze and evaluate the implementation of HSE activities include the implementation of audit and assessment HSE implementation, propose recommend repair / replacement of facilities and equipment operation are not safe, accident investigation and seek the implementation aspects of the Directorate of HSE environment Hulu and its subsidiaries to achieve HSE performance targets determined by the Company (corporate).
Job Requirements:


  • Bachelors degrees
  • Geologi Degree / Geophysical Engineering
  • Petroleum Engineer Degree
  • Environmental Engineering Degree
  • Mechanical Engineering Degree
Capabilities and competencies:

  • Capable of directing, analyzing and evaluating the implementation of the HSE
  • Control of important aspects related to HSE, including the technical mastery and operating equipment
  • Quick response and tactical issues in the face

  • Bavhelors degrees min. 9 years experience
  • Masters degrees min. 6 years in the field of HSE, Exploration / Development / drilling / process & facilities / production operations of oil, gas or geothermal.

Subsurface Storage Specialist ( E-UPSUTC29 )

Job Descriptions:

  • Screening of several fields which are likely interchangeable applied to subsurface storage in order to evaluate the potential of the technology that will be used throughout the functions in Pertamina Hulu
  • Survey design to develop the geological, geophysical and engineering for subsurface storage reservoir that will be applied at the Pertamina Upstream & all subsidiaries.
  • Conduct and devise a method and system of quality control mechanisms for acquisition activities under the surface geophysical methods and make recommendations on methods of solving both problems attributable design, instrumentation or field conditions.
  • To evaluate each phase of the acquisition, processing, modeling and interpretation of integrated data to evaluate subsurface storage and technical recommendations for improving data quality
Job Requirements:


  • Masters degrees 
  • Petroleum Engineer Degree
  • Geology Degree / Geophysics
Capabilities and competencies:

  • Have knowledge and understanding of the
  • Operasi GGR data acquisition Data 
  • Pengolahan GGR
  • Pemodelan & interpretation of data GGR
  • Pemodelan geology (petrophysics)
  • Pemodelan geophysics (reservoir characterization / rock physics)
  • Geologi and reservoir geomechanics

  • 9 years experience in GGR, especially in the subsurface or min. 5 years of GGR

Analyst Organization Development - HR ( E-HRD-OD2 )

Job Descriptions:

  • Conduct and coordinate with related functions in the preparation of Duty Description Title & Description of Assessment
  • Compiling Code Section Organization (KBO) for the entire office manager to the top of which is used for administrative and correspondence.
  • Perform the preparation & review the position to match nomenclature with the guidelines and policies.
  • Do preparation of layering position, the determination of position classification, location to be an organizational position that will be in the input to the SAP system.
  • Ensure the organization along with the accessories (KBO, layering, location of office, position classification, cost center) is in the input to the SAP system.
  • To coordinate with related functions within manufacture cost center and budget for new organizations / organizations who have a change
Job Requirements:


  • Bachelors degrees
  • Masters degrees 
  • Industrial Engineer Degree
  • Psychology Degrees
  • Management
    Capabilities and competencies:

    • Understanding the processes and stages in the preparation of UTP & UPJ do.
    • Have an understanding in the field of Human Resource Development / Human Resources Management as a whole.
    • Having the ability to perform Job Analysis and Job Design.
    • Understanding the process and stages of HR module in ERP Systems / SAP.

    • Minimum of 5 years in the field of Organizational Development and Design Competence
    Please send your detail CV and application at the link address below not later than July 26, 2012.
    Please put " website" as your reference at your application letter


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