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Friday, July 20, 2012

Health Analyst Dental Nurse Padjadjaran University Recruitment

Padjadjaran University - Unpad is a public university in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. Padjadjaran University has two main campuses, the Campus Iwa Koesoemasoemantri in Dipati Measure, and Campus Jatinangor Bandung, Sumedang District. In addition to these two campuses, there are also several campuses spread over several locations in the area of Bandung include Sekeloa, Singaperbangsa, Dago 4, Simpang Dago, Dago Atas, Dago Pojok, Banda, Cimadiri, Cisangkuy, Eikman, Pasirkaliki, Teuku Umar, and some other place that used by some units in Unpad.

Currently Health Technical Unit Padjadjaran University requires a Dental Nurse Labor and a Labor Health Analyst with the following requirements:

  • Diploma High Shool has a diploma according to the field of science.
  • Have a current license or practice as a Dental Nurse Health Analyst.
  • Not bound / work at other institutions.
  • Physically healthy.
  • Have the dedication and high morale in the work.
Please send your detail CV and application at the address below not later than August 15, 2012 and please put " website" as your reference at your application letter

Head of Unit Padjadjaran University Health
Jl. Dipati Ukur No. 46 Bandung 40132
Telepon : (022) 2512497


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