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CPNS 2012 Via Email & SMS

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Sunday, April 1, 2012

Perum Jasa Tirta 1 Recruitment

Jasa Tirta 1Perum Jasa Tirta 1 is an Indonesian state-owned company engaged in managing water resources. The Company established in 1990 based on Government Regulation (PP) No. 5 of 1990. The Company's head quarted located in Malang - East Java and operated in 2 working area, consist of the area of Brantas River and its 39 tributaries and Solo River and 25 its tributaries.

Perum Jasa Tirta 1 supported by 5 ASA service division offices, 2 general service divison offices and 2 water qualiry labolatories. Jasa Tirta also operated WS Bengawan Solo office located in Surakarta and representative office located in Jakarta.

Bachelor Degree Graduates Recruitment

Degree in Civil Engineering
Degree in Geodesy
Degree in Informatic
Degree in Accounting / Finance Management

General Requirements

  • Maximum age 30 years old
  • Minimum GPA 2.80 and able to work in the field
  • Not Married
The closing date is April 10, 2012. Interested applicants please refer to Perum Jasa Tirta and please download the form below


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