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Friday, April 27, 2012

Technical Recruitment Officer Computrade Technology International

PT Computrade Technology International Vacancy
We are a leading IT distributor in Indonesia. As an IT Infrastructure Solution Partner, the company distributes top brand of international IT Products through hundred resellers/channels spread across Indonesia regions. We are seeking professionals with proven track records to join our successful team within a rapidly growing business environment and opportunities.

(XMU) Technical Recruitment Officer

Requirement :

  • Male/female, 28 - 37 years old
  • Bachelor Degree from a reputable university, preferably from IT / Computer Science/ electro with minimum GPA 2,75
  • Have excellence knowledge in Java, PHP, SQL, Oracle, etc.
  • Have a good interview skill.
  • Able to making technical assessment
Interested and meet the above requirements, you can join via the apply online that we provide.
Please also state " Website" as your reference.


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