Criteria for Applicants
- Indonesian Citizen (WNI)
- Physically and mentally healthy and not color blind
- well-behaved
- Certified High School (Science, Social Studies) / SMK and NEM average of at least 6.00
- Age of applicants per 30 April 2012 at least 18 years, maximum 30 years
- Height / Weight:
- Male, at least 160 cm (ideal weight)
- Female, at least 155 cm (ideal weight)
- Never been involved in drugs or psychotropic
- No tattoos and pierced an unusual place
- Passed in the following New Employee Selection Committee organized by Recruit PT Indonesia Railways (Limited) 2012.
- high school certificates
- Identity Card (KTP) which is still valid
- Recent color photographs
- Copy of Birth Certificate / Birth Know
- Original Police Certificate
- Statement letter would be placed throughout the company sealed Rp. 6000.00 (own hand-written)
- Drug-free certificate from the police department
- Curiculum Vitae, to include experience of working up to this time
- Certificate (the skills / vocational), Diploma possessed the highest when there
Work Location
For Test references please access "Test BUMN". Interested candidates please submit and register online at http://rekrut.kereta-api.co.id
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