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Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Internal Audit staff Bukaka Teknik Utama

PT. Bukaka Teknik Utama currently requires several new employees for positions as Internal Audit staff (Position Code: IA)


    Bukaka Jobs and Career 2012
  • Male. 21-25 years old of age.
  • Diploma Accounting.
  • Minimum GPA 2.80 (scale 4).
  • Minimum 1 year experience in the field of accounting / auditing.
  • Able to make a report keuangandan audit report.
  • Conscientious and able to work under pressure.
  • Critical thinking and analytical ability is good.
  • In English, oral and written.
  • Ability to work as Team Leaders and Team Members.
  • Able to adapt quickly in a work environment.
When you meet the qualifications of above positions, please send application, resume and supporting certificates scan (in PDF format) to our email address. Write the Position Code as Subject Email (maximum 200kb). The file is received until the date of April 20, 2012. Please write " Website" as your reference.


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