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CPNS 2012 Via Email & SMS

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Friday, August 3, 2012

Lowongan Kerja Saptaindra Sejati

Lowongan Kerja Saptaindra Sejati
PT Saptaindra Sejati (SIS), subsidiary of of PT. ADARO ENERGY Tbk. is a well established and modern mining contractor company providing services to the rapid growth mining company and related industries in Kalimantan, with more than 6000 personnel with various expertise. Now are seeking highly motivated and ambitious individuals to join our team, and grow with us as:

Diploma Preparation Program

  • Male, max 25 years old
  • Diploma degree (GPA: 2,75-up) in :
  • Mechanical/Electro (DPP PLANT)
  • Civil Engineering (DPP PRODUCTION)
  • Physically and mentally fit
  • Never been enlisted as a candidate for PT SIS in between 2010-2011
Please send your detail CV and application at the company address below not later than two weeks after this advertisment and please put " website" as reference at your application letter.

Bagian Kemahasiswaan
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Diponegoro
Gedung Dekanat lantai 1(up. Bapak Didik Eru P)


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